Evangelos Dimakakos MD, PhD, EDA/VM MLD/CDT(P)
Responsible of Vascular Unit-Training Center of Vascular Medicine/Angiology of UEMS- of 3rd Department of Internal Medicine of University of Athens Public Hospital ‘SOTIRIA’
President of International Society of Lymphology
National Delegate of UEMS Vascular Medicine/Angiology
Dr.Evangelos Dimakakos graduated from Athens School of Medicine in 1996. He was trained in Internal Medicine at the Evangelismos Hospital (Athens School of Medicine) with specialization in Vascular Medicine/ Angiology after european exams in UEMS Vascular Medicine/ Angiology in 2012 and he got the Diploma of Excellence of UEMS Vascular Medicine/ Angiology in 2019. Moreover, he got the specialization of Lymphology for Lymphedema and the lymphatic diseases in Germany 2005 (Freiburg- Foeldi clinic).
He got his M.D. thesis with distinction, from the Athens School of Medicine, in 2004. He worked as Vascular Internist at Aretaion University hospital as consultant. Moreover, he works as Vascular Internist Consultant of the Sotiria Hospital in Oncology Unit and of 3rd Department of Medicine, Athens School of Medicine at the “Sotiria” General Hospital, in Athens.
He created the outpatient Vascular Medicine/Angiology office and the first Vascular Medicine/Angiology Training Center in Greece recognized by European UEMS Angiology. He is an instructor of medical students, nurse students, dentist students and postgraduates physicians of 3rd Department of Medicine, at the “Sotiria” General Hospital, in Athens.
In 2012 he was recognized as a professor at medical postgraduate school of Buenos Aires, Argentina. He is elected President of International Society of Lymphology and National Delegate of UEMS Vascular Medicine/Vascular.
His main fields of interest are clinical research, thrombosis, thromboembolism and cancer, lymphedema-lymphatic diseases. Dr E.Dimakakos participated in 12 national and European protocols, he participated in > 6 Scientific Steering Committees for edition of multiple National and International Guidelines. He is a founder of Greek Society of Lymphology, member of numerous scientific societies, and member of executive committee in different societies including the International Society of Lymphology, European Society of Lymphology, Vascular -Independent Research and Education- European Organization (VAS) and European Society for Vascular Medicine. He is sitting on the editorial board of three scientific journals and reviewer for >20 scientific journals. He is the editor of four national and International Scientific Volumes. He is the author of >60 peer-reviewed, international full articles and book chapters, with > 4.000 citations and an h-index >17. He was president and organized >25 national, European, international congresses, educational days and courses. He got >15 prizes with 7 of them from International and European Congresses