210-6983988 / 210-7781035

Ζηναΐς Κοντούλη


Dr. Zinais Kontouli, MD, MSc, PhD, FIP
Consultant Anaesthetist – Pain Medicine

Dr Zinais Kontouli has a 21-year experience in the field of anesthetics and a 8 year experience in pain medicine. She holds academic positions, while she has served in leading positions in neuroanaesthesia and pain medicine in hospitals in Greece and the UK.
Her academic activity and research includes numerous published articles and presentations as speaker in numerous of congresses.
She holds a master in science and a PDh in medicine as well as a fellowship in pain medicine and Neuromodulation.
Zinais currently holds the position of the Clinical Director of Interventional Pain clinic at Athens Medical Centre Marousi. She is responsible for Pain therapies in Olympiakos Team in Athens, she is the founder of End of life at Home Care in Athens, Consultant of Merimna for Cancer Pain patients, co – chair of palliative team in Mediterranean Multidisciplinary Oncology Forum (MMOF) and an Honorary Lecturer in Pain Medicine in the Imperial College Medical School in the UK.
She has served as Consultant in Pain Medicine at Imperial College NHS and Fellow of Pain Medicine and Neuromodulation at Guy s and St Thomas Hospital UK.
She has special interest on new therapies and new drugs for pain.